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More about us

We are Thea Bakker & Aart Brandsma, partners in life and brand design, we are teaming up as GoodOrange. We are highly experienced and have been actively involved in building brands for more than 25 years.

Our work experience within the field of fast-moving consumer goods, health & beauty, A-brands and private labels, resulted in many well-known and loved iconic brands. We specialize in creating surprising and original conceptual ideas for brand identities and packaging. Exploring new territories and creating unique opportunities for brands to grow and flourish.

Our basic instinct is to deep dive into a brand’s strategy, it’s natural habitat and heritage. We respect the brands’s status-quo, we analyse competition and dig deep into the latest relevant trends. With these insights, combined with our proven intuition we bring brands to life, giving it a unique and relevant identity, packaging and clear impactful branding.

Who is Thea?

Visually adventurous by nature. An observant listener to the client input, translating and connecting the words with surprising moods, hitting the right note at the heart & soul of the issue, creating impact.

With a sound understanding of the briefing but challenging and taking the client on a journey. Underscoring her belief that creating the best solution can only be done with a mix of intuition and exploration, together with the client. She has an antenna for style & trends, an eagle eye, and likes to move fast. Creating a magic flow of energy from the beginning.

Her professional expertise runs across many disciplines. A conceptual thinker, a versatile designer, as well as an effective art director. She likes to create new brand ‘characters’ through unique visual brand language, packaging concepts and brand communication with iconic stand-out. She is able to create new opportunities for brands to grow and flourish.

Who is Aart?

Aart has a passion for brand packaging. He believes in getting under the skin of his clients, to fully understand the brand’s world and its complexities. With a no-nonsense attitude, grounded in practicality, he brings focus to projects.

He is the go-to person for the client. With his very broad experience there isn’t a challenge he hasn’t faced before. Over 20 years of experience in the design industry, handling design concept to design implementation, ranging from corporate and retail branding to brand packaging projects. His proactive, can-do attitude and personal approach has helped to build long lasting relationships with clients.

He has a very sharp eye when it comes to detail. He is an excellent sparring partner for design and a trusted partner for the client. Never losing sight of the consumer perspective or the clients wishes. Making sure any production or technical discussions, can be safely realised and produced.


With our long track record in brand design our professional skills run across many disciplines. If a project requires, we team up with the best from our network. All specialists and each with an own set of skills and expertise. We select, match and collaborate. We look forward to meet-up soon to be able to show you what we can do for you and your brand.